Welcome To My Life As Mommy and Wife...

My name is Jessi and I am the proud mommy of Jay (my nine year old stepson), Jalen and Kaden (my 2 yr old twin boys) and Presley (my 8 week old daughter). I am married to the love of my life and best friend. I am currently pursuing a higher education while staying at home with my babies. I am 25 years old, and am absolutely in love with the life that I have worked so hard to create.

I have wanted to create a blog forever, its just as a mommy to four, wife, full time student and overall busy body, I never thought I would have time. This blog will be a social outlet for me, and provide a little bit of insight to others on what it is like to be a mommy of multiples, a SAHM, a student mom, and other roles that I play. I dont plan to sugar coat anything, I am a realist and hope that my followers understand that while my life can be chaotic and downright crazy I love it for exactly what it is, and usually find the humor in most things. So, on that note, live, love, laugh, cry, and learn alongside me.... But most importantly, enjoy the journey!

Monday, March 15, 2010

P90X is giving me anxiety!

Its 2:32 in the morning, so technically its the day that I start hell week. Technically, its hell days, 90 to be exact. I am starting the p90x program and I am so anxious its not even funny. I'm not even going to sugar coat it, Im about one Snicker bar away from emulating Kirstie Alley after she falls off the wagon errrr ice cream truck, but that's neither here nor there. The reality is that my fat ass has to get up everyday at 6 am and work off all three babies, whoppers, and all the crap I shove down my piehole and I am not happy about it. I'm not happy about my size and I have to do something about it. Gotta make sure I do not turn into the fat chick who USED to be cute, if only she would lose some weight. I'm going to blog my weight and inch loss, along with whine about how much pain I am in... If you don't feel like hearing about how bad my butt cheeks hurt, you may want to ignore my blog for the next 90 days... I have to keep track of progress because I don't want to be that kid who starts something and doesn't finish it, and is full of excuses... Every time I think about eating something that I am not supposed to I'll remember that I have to explain my insane cravings to an audience (that's you) and maybe it will make me stop! Or maybe not.. Either way I'm ready to get this crap started before I have to start shopping for a swimsuit! With this program I want to lose 20 pounds. I want to lose my muffin top, and I want my husband to not be able to keep his hands off me! So here we go people, bring on the soreness and make me look good naked!!!!

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