Welcome To My Life As Mommy and Wife...

My name is Jessi and I am the proud mommy of Jay (my nine year old stepson), Jalen and Kaden (my 2 yr old twin boys) and Presley (my 8 week old daughter). I am married to the love of my life and best friend. I am currently pursuing a higher education while staying at home with my babies. I am 25 years old, and am absolutely in love with the life that I have worked so hard to create.

I have wanted to create a blog forever, its just as a mommy to four, wife, full time student and overall busy body, I never thought I would have time. This blog will be a social outlet for me, and provide a little bit of insight to others on what it is like to be a mommy of multiples, a SAHM, a student mom, and other roles that I play. I dont plan to sugar coat anything, I am a realist and hope that my followers understand that while my life can be chaotic and downright crazy I love it for exactly what it is, and usually find the humor in most things. So, on that note, live, love, laugh, cry, and learn alongside me.... But most importantly, enjoy the journey!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cancer strikes...

I've not been blogging for almost a year, and it seems as though I always have something going on to where I cant sit down and concentrate for more than five minutes at a time. I never assumed that the recent turn of events would bring me back to blogging, or that I would blog about such a personal journey. I have cancer. Its so weird to say, and I cant wait to say, "I beat cancer". But here I am, at the beginning of my fight. I am undergoing treatment, which will include a total hysterectomy; at 26 years old. My mother and I will go through menopause at the same time, which is insane to me. I wondered how funny a blog could be about menopause of a twenty-something year old, because vaginal dryness is sure to get a snicker out of someone right? Then my friends pointed out that this might help someone going through the same thing I am going through. I was sold. So, here we are. Blogging through menopause! Get your fans out and your hormones ready ya'll, its going to be a bumpy ride!

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